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The Fertile Myrtle Program™
Overview of The Fertile Myrtle Program™
Meet Dr. Laura Parks, D.Ac., CHC, LMT
How to Work with Dr. Laura Parks, D.Ac., CHC, LMT
Getting Started
Fertility Worksheet
Importance of Testing
Types of Fertility Tests
Understanding Fertility
Factors Influencing Fertility
Designing Your Fertility Diet
Creating a Fertile Nervous System
Lifestyle Factors
Adopting a Fertile Lifestyle
Herbs & Supplements for Fertility
Fertility Detox and its Benefits
Tools for Boosting Fertility
Castor Oil Packs for Fertility
Functional Blood Work vs Journaling
Cultivating a Fertile Mindset
Enhancing Fertility Holistically
Fertility Visualizations and Affirmations
Importance of Intimacy Timing
Acupuncture's Role in Fertility
Real Stories of Success
Achievements and Outcomes
Next Steps and Supplements
Recap of Key Learnings
Final Thoughts and Encouragement for Your Fertility Journey
Designing Your Fertility Diet
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